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Giovanna’s home

Cooking show and relaxation on the slopes of the volcano, with family hospitality, local products and good local wine.

“I love my Sicily and I would like to offer Sicilian hospitality in a simple and familiar way in the house where my husband Francesco and I live, on the slopes of Mount Etna.” We will offer a tasting with exclusively Sicilian products , either indoors or in the garden, featuring local and seasonal food accompanied by a glass of white wine and a glass of red wine (from wineries in the Etna area). We will conclude with a sweet wine and homemade sweets. Our house is built on an old lava stone ruin, which was previously used as a “Palmento” (grape press). Today, there remains a basin with stone conduits for pouring the wine. We have turned this small space into a wine cellar accessible from the living room. The atmosphere of the house is unique with an open kitchen, and for those interested, it will be possible to observe the preparation of some typical dishes before the tasting.”You can take a walk in the olive grove, take a dip in the indoor heated pool, or simply chat in the garden. It will be a different way to visit a Sicilian home, sharing a love for nature, simple foods, and genuine flavor.

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Autumn-winter tasting

Castelmola bread with our own production of olive oil
3 Toasted bread with cauliflower pâté, capuliato (Pachino dried tomatoes sauce), goat cheese with Zafferana honey
• Seasoned pecorino and onion or pumpkin jam served with a glass of Etna white wine
Local porchetta
• Fried tuma
Country vegetable pancakes (with cavolicelli and finocchietto)
• Sausage al ceppo from Linguaglossa served with a glass of Etna red wine
• Cinnamon jelly or cannolo with ricotta and Aeolian candied capers and Malvasia di Salina


Spring-summer tasting

• Castelmola bread with Our own production of olive oil
• Toasted bread with spicy pepper sauce, capuliato (Pachino dried tomatoes sauce), flavored butter and anchovies 
• Orange flavored cheese served with a glass of Etna white wine
• Raw ham from Nebrodi served with figs
• Pepper roll with smoked provola, mint, breadcrumbs
• Marinated courgettes or fried courgette flowers 
• Meatballs with lemon leaf
• Fresh fruit served on white cream (bianco mangiare) and Passito  



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Pantelleria experience

Discover the true soul of the island, guardian of biodiversity and ancient history.

trekking in pantelleria

Over the last ten years, Pantelleria has become one of the most loved trekking destinations for those who wish, through the journey, to discover new territories and be lulled by their attractions. There are few trekking destinations that can boast paths within a National Park (the only one in Sicily) where it is possible to enjoy natural saunas (Benikulà cave), thermal waters (Gadir – Lago di Venere), phenomena of secondary volcanism (Favare), archaeological sites (Village of Mursia, Sesi, Acropolis of San Marco) and touching two Unesco heritage sites (Sapling vines and dry stone walls). All this through terraces cultivated with zibibbo or splendid caper groves (Cappereto Bonomo), walking in varied environments ranging from the Montagna Grande with its pine forest, to the Mediterranean scrub that surrounds the coast of the island and ending the days with a tasting in the cellar of a good passito accompanied by the many products of the island’s agriculture (capers, dried tomatoes, pâtés in many variations) perhaps during a sunset with African colours. The program that you will find below will allow you to experience all this in the space of a week’s holiday and is born from the many experiences that we have been able to have in recent years with various groups such as those of the national CAI. The Pantelleria trek is divided into a week where five excursions are planned that lead to discover the “Island of Pantelleria Nature Reserve”. The first available day, based on weather/sea conditions, is dedicated to the boat tour.

Explore the Trekking tour in Pantelleria

1st day: Arrival in Pantelleria
Arrival and accommodation in the hotel, presentation of the guide and the week’s program and dinner and overnight stay

2nd day: The dry bath
In the morning departure for the excursion to Favara Grande (secondary volcanism phenomenon). From the town of Scauri you go up towards the Monastery valley, a large lava crater which is now the cradle for the cultivation of sapling vines, to then reach the dry bath cave, where it is possible to take a Turkish bath inside a cave using the secondary volcanism phenomena. After the stop we continue towards the Favare valley where it is possible to feel the breath of the island, here we will stop for a picnic break. Return to the hotel in the early afternoon, dinner and overnight stay.
Excursion duration 4:30
Difficulty E
Difference in height m. 450
Length 10 km

3rd day: The Big Mountain
In the morning departure for the circular excursion to the Montagna Grande. Suggestive route that from the town of Sibà takes us to the highest peak on the island above sea level. 836. the path almost entirely develops within the natural maritime pine forest. From the summit you can enjoy a 360 degree view of the island with very suggestive views, a terrace overlooking the Mediterranean, after a stop for a picnic with local products, we continue to Kuddie Mida, an ancient crater where we can touch the fumarole phenomenon. Before returning to the hotel we stop at a small farm/cellar for a tasting of Pantelleria wines and dessert wines.Return to hotel, dinner and overnight.
The duration of the excursion is approximately 6:30 hours
Difficulty E.
Difference in height m. 950
Length 11 km

4th day: Tour of the island by boat
In the morning departure from the port for a tour of the island by boat with the motor ship Elena, a 32-seater boat with services and shaded area. You will visit the numerous coves of the island and you will be fascinated by the color of the seabed and the spectacle of the coast which offers imposing cliffs and numerous caves. There will be numerous stops for swimming and snorkelling. Small lunch on the boat offered by the captain. Return to the hotel in the afternoon, dinner and overnight stay.

5th day: Lake Venus
In the morning we leave for this wonderful excursion that takes us to Lake Venere and the Punta Spadillo lighthouse. From the foot of the large mountain, via a downhill path that crosses the Gelfiser lava flow, a natural canyon, you reach the lake, a unique ecosystem in the world where you can have spa treatments with mud and hot waters that rise along the edge . Lake Venus is one of the most evocative places on the island, with its Caribbean colours, hot springs and mud baths, it is a true open-air SPA. After the stop and picnic, return to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

The duration of the excursion is approximately 5:30 hours
Difficulty E.
Difference in height m. 350
Length 9 km

6th day: S. Chiara – Punta Spadillo – Gadir
Breakfast and departure for the tour, trekking from S. Chiara arriving up to Punta Spadillo, for a refreshing swim in the undine lake, a curious depression on the coast that creates a natural lake with Caribbean colours, visit to the Volcanological Museum and finally we will reach the small port Gadir. Thermal resort par excellence thanks to its pools rich in thermal waters carved into the rock. We will continue this morning in the name of relaxation, right in this small port you will have the opportunity to approach not only the warm waters, but also the sea of ​​Pantelleria.After the stop and picnic, return to the hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

The duration of the excursion is approximately 5:00 hours
Difficulty E.
Difference in height m. 450
Length 9 km

7th day: Gibele – Barone – Le Cale
Breakfast and departure for the tour.Excursion to Monte Gibele, the second highest mountain on the island, descending from the mountain we will stop at the Bonomo cappereto, we will continue to Piano del Barone and then reach the beautiful Cale Tramontana/Levante and Arco dell’Elefante. Here we will stop for a bathing break and the picnic with local products. Return to the Residence in the afternoon, dinner and overnight stay.

The duration of the excursion is approximately 6:00 hours
Difficulty E.
Difference in height m. 500
Length 16km

8th day: Pantelleria
In the morning transfer to the airport and departure for the return journey.

The package includes:
Accommodation at our facility in sea view rooms, with half board service, drinks included;Indicated trekking program, including packet lunches where indicated; Transfers for excursions and to and from the airport;Cellar tasting;
Injury insurance;Technical assistance during the week.

The package does not include:
Everything not listed in the item is included.



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pantelleria not just trekking

Explore the tour Not just trekking in Pantelleria

1st day: Arrival in Pantelleria

Arrival and accommodation in the hotel, meeting with the guides, presentation of the program, dinner and overnight stay.

2nd day: Discovering the island

After breakfast on board the mini-buses we will dedicate our day to a complete tour of the island along the perimeter road with a detour into the heart of the island. This day will offer us the opportunity to discover the true soul of the island, custodian of biodiversity and the thousand-year history of this “rock”, as the people of Pantelleria affectionately call the island. Dry stone walls, dammusi, heroic agriculture, archaeological sites and biodiversity will be the common thread of this day which will culminate with a brunch in Cala Gadir, a small fishing village where there are ancient Roman tubs for a relaxing bath in the thermal waters. Return to the hotel, relax in the pool, dinner and overnight stay.

3rd day: Secondary volcanos

After breakfast at the hotel we will take a mini bus to the start of the path that will take us to listen to the breath of the island. Today is dedicated to secondary volcanisms and the thermal experience. Put on our trekking shoes and our backpack, we begin the walk towards the favare, the shower heads from which high temperature steam comes out to testify that the Pantelleria volcano is still “alive”. We will walk between dry stone walls and WWII emplacements to reach the “Favara Grande”. Here we will be welcomed into a Dante-like landscape, suspended as if by magic over the sea, to witness this extraordinary natural phenomenon. Leaving Favara Grande, our walk will continue in the direction of “Bagno Dry” better known as the Benikulà cave, another testimony of secondary volcanism, where we will be able to experience the natural Turkish bath inside a small cave. From the cave to the car park, where the minibuses await us, the step is short and from here we will reach “Bagno dell’acqua”, the famous lake of Venus, also a testimony of secondary volcanism, a treasure chest of Pantelleria’s biodiversity full of naturalistic surprises. It is imperative to do mud baths and relax in what we can define as a unique place in the world due to its characteristics. Lunch in a restaurant near the lake, still time available to enjoy this place and return to the hotel. Dinner and overnight stay.

4th day: Tour of the island by boat

Breakfast and transfer to the port of Pantelleria with a special shuttle. This is followed by the departure of the tour of the island by boat which is the best way to appreciate the beauty of the island and, thanks to which, you can admire the inlets, the geological stratification, due to the various lava flows, the white pebble beaches on the south-east of the island, places reachable only by sea. The salient points are the cliff of Salto the old one, the warm waters of Nikа, the pebble beaches that open into the jagged coast of Dietro Isola, the caves of Macasinazzi and dell’Amore, the Faraglioni, symbol of the island, the Arco dell’Elefante, a natural arch that has the appearance of an elephant, the Cinderella Scarpetta, characterized by a varied color of lights, the Cala Cinque Denti, five rock cavities very similar to five teeth. Various stops for swimming in splendid waters and lunch on board. Return to the port around 4.00 pm and return to the hotel. Dinner and overnight stay.

5th day: The Cuddie

After breakfast we will transfer, aboard the mini buses, to the beginning of the path that will take us to discover the “Cuddie”, i.e. the ancient volcanic cones that characterize the landscape of the island. The theme of the excursion is predominantly rural. The route crosses two of the areas with the highest wine-growing vocation on the island: Mueggen and the Ghirlanda plain. The excursion highlights the peculiarities of the landscape and agricultural architecture of the island, characterized by terraces and dry stone walls and agronomic techniques unique in the world. From Ghirlanda you gradually climb towards the old peasant village of Mueggen and then continue towards Randazzo and Monte Gibele through the Kherch pass. In this stretch the path develops under a thick holm oak forest. Once you reach Mount Gibele you descend along the eastern side until you reach a stretch of holm oak forest where we find the Byzantine tombs. Return to the hotel in the late afternoon. Dinner and overnight stay.

6th day: Food and wine experience

After breakfast we will begin our tour to discover the small cellars of the island where, even today, the process of cultivation, harvesting, drying of the zibibbo grapes and vinification of the passito wine are carried out following the ancient, and heroic, tradition . The day will take us to visit the cellars, crossing Piana Ghirlanda, a caldera plain with a wine-growing vocation, to admire an ancient caper grove, of unquestionable landscape beauty and which, at the same time, makes us understand the true meaning of heroic agriculture. The day will end with a food and wine experience in an ancient dammuso. Return to hotel, dinner and overnight.

7th day: Free day

Free day to dedicate to relaxing at the seaside or shopping in the village. Dinner in hotel.

8th day: Departure

Breakfast at the hotel. transfer to the airport in time for the return flight.



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Scicli walk and cook

A relaxing walking tour with cooking, lunch and wine lessons in the city of Scicli, a Unesco heritage site.

info tour

A relaxed walking tour meeting the local food heroes with cooking class, lunch & wine. Join Emilia, to experience the historic & Unesco town of Scicli (where Inspector Montalbano is filmed) just like the locals do. Emilia with her expertise in the food & wine industry will take you to the best places to discover the local food and wine of Scicli so you can experience the unique town just like Montalbano and the local Sciclitani. Then after meeting the locals and purchasing some of your ingredients and wine together for your lunch join Emilia in her traditional Scicli home with original stone wall features for a hands on cooking class. Learn how to make fresh pasta the Sicilian way from the Ragusa area using local ancient grain semolina flour. Enjoy and sit down to a lunch prepared by Emilia with natural Sicilian wine and your very own freshly made pasta creation. Filled with local knowledge, Sicilian history and culture this is a wonderful day experience during your stay in Sicily.



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Sailboat excursion in Catania

A fantastic navigation with a view of Etna between the volcanic lava cliff and the Norman Castle.

info tour

We board our  sailing boat and depart from the port of Catania, overlooking Mount Etna, for our half-day sailboat excursion in Catania. The first stop on our boat tour is the Caves of Ulysses, where you will have the opportunity to take your first sea bath of the day. The Ulysses Caves were formed under a beautiful volcanic lava cliff overlooking the sea. The colours of the seabed are wonderful, ranging from blue to green to blue, and the water is of extraordinary transparency. The Ulysses Caves also lend themselves to snorkelling, provided you have brought masksand finson board. While sailing to Acitrezza, we will pass under the Norman Castle of Acicastello, where there will also be the opportunity to dive into the sea with a spectacular view of the castle. We will also admire the characteristic ‘pillow lavas‘ that can be found under the castle and that were formed as a result of the rapid cooling of lava, from underwater volcanic eruptions, with seawater. Once in Acitrezza, in the heart of the Isole Ciclopi marine protected area, our boat tour takes a break. There will be an opportunity to disembark from the sailboat and enjoy a short excursion to the fishing village. After the usual stop for a swim, an aperitif on board with various snacks and white winewill be offered. During the return leg of our half-day sailing excursion, it will be possible to enjoy a final dip in the sea with a view of Mount Etna volcano (weather and sea conditions permitting). Return to the Port of Catania around and end of our boat tour.

Sailing Boat Excursion – Tips for Sailing Guests:

  • it may seem obvious, but we always remember: bring everything you need to enjoy a day at the beach and in the sun. Therefore, your backpack should not be without sunscreenbeach towels and swimwear.
  • going offshore, the windmay pick up; having a windbreaker and hat with you will be useful and comforting.
  • if you like snorkelling, don’t hesitate to bring masks and fins on boardour sailboat.
  • if you fear that you might get seasick, equip yourself in advance with anything that might alleviate the discomfort during the boat trip: anti-nausea pills and/or patches.


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Syracuse, Catania And Taormina tour

Exciting and evocative routes through mythology, ancient history and crystal clear sea.

syracuse tour

Travel back in time and explore more than 2000 years of Syracusa’s history… Like many of Sicily’s coastal towns, Siracusa was once an ancient Greek settlement of the Magna Graecia era. Go back in time with your expert local guide and discover the city’s ancient relics, medieval monuments and modern-day market. The first stop is the Neapolis archaeological park, where you’ll see the Greek Theater (that still hosts classic Greek theater performances each spring), the Roman amphitheater and the Ear of Dionysus, a massive grotto in the Latomia del Paradiso limestone quarry that supplied stone for the ancient city. After the archaeological park, you’ll move to  Siracusa city, stroll through the island of Ortigia that forms the historic heart of the medieval center and visit the vast cathedral square with its 17th-century Duomo and ornate Baroque palaces. We’ll leave from Piazza Pancali, by the temple of Apollo, the oldest temple in Sicily. We will visit the open market of Ortigia, the most authentic expression of the city of Syracuse, where the local economy proudly displays the best products of the territory and the sea that surrounds us. Behind the scenes of the market is the Graziella district with its stories, courtyards and its transformations. Walking through the ancient holy way of Ortigia, we will arrive to the scenographic Piazza Archimede with the fountain of Diana disclosing the myth of Arethusa nymph. Through the alleys of Ortigia we will reach the spectacular Piazza Duomo, a popular venue for fashion shows, film shoots and exclusive events. We will understand a lot about the history of Syracuse and its ancient grandeur through its Cathedral, guardian of the relic of the Saint patron, Lucia. We will conclude the visit at the Arethusa spring where the circle of historical and mythological references scattered along the route closes with the exciting view of the Ionian sea. 



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Catania tour

We will accompany you like a local on a tour through the city of a thousand faces, with its infinite history and myriad emotions. It’s a place where history, tradition, and culture intertwine in various glimpses. A journey through the baroque churches and palaces, amidst colors, scents, and the music of the locales, we will guide you through the visit of the city, destroyed 9 times and each time rebuilt stronger and more beautiful.” We meet in Piazza Università where you will be introduced to Catania origins and natural events that moulded our city, such as the 1669 lava flow and the disastrous 1693 earthquake of Val di Noto. We reach Duomo square, where the famous Liotru, the elephant of Catania, is waiting for us. Some unexpected connections with ancient legends and myths of Sicily will cast a new light on the symbolic animal of the city. We will also see the Cathedral and the city hall courtyard, both guardians of the past and present memory of our Saint Patron, Agata. Beyond the curtains of the scenic Amenano fountain, we enjoy the impact with the hectic and colourful fish market. The protagonists are you, who walking among the scents, the colors and the screams of the vendors will collect, if you want, pieces of Sicily to take home. From profane to sacred, we leave the noisy market to reach the religious silence of via Crociferi, the Holy way, example of the most beautiful Baroque of Catania. Here we will learn how thin threads still connect us with that Catania city that disappeared with the 1693 earthquake. Hidden palaces, nestled in the traditional baroque architecture, tell us that even a relatively small city like Catania, can preserve the signs of the great historical changes that affected Europe in the past centuries. Finally in connection with Catania, the time is ripe to listen and understand the sicilian legends depicted in the lampposts of Piazza Università. Our last stop will be the roman Amphitheatre, here is where the medieval city ended, protected by the walls. Its uniqueness lies in the black lava stone. We are such stuff as Etna is made on. We say goodbye, aware of how much more is left to discover, in fact it will not be goodbye but an arrivederci!



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Taormina tour

The celebrated pearl of the Ionian Sea, Taormina has a uniquely lovely location, surrounded by dramatic cliffs, perched above a seemingly never-ending azure sea and blessed with the majestic and spectacular Etna as its backdrop. An intimate collection of tiny streets and flower ed balconies form its delightful town center and the awe-inspiring Greek Theater is its crowning glory. We will uncover the city, wandering through its hidden alleys, where history and legend merge in great beauty! We’ll explore the ancient Greek-Roman quarter, the beautiful Piazza IX Aprile from where we’ll enjoy a stunning panorama, stroll along the main street leading us to the Cathedral and Porta Catania. We’ll visit the ancient Greek Theater of Taormina. The guided tour of Taormina immerses the visitor in the atmosphere of ancient Sicily, unique for its splendor and traditions. But also archaeology, history, and the opportunity to enjoy a unique panorama in the world are the main attractions of this small but enchanting city.



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Etnawild Sicily Travel Lab TOUR OPERATOR – Via A. Manzoni n. 4 – 95017 Piedimonte Etneo – P.iva_03526580836 – Tel +39_3480431829 – Polizza Assicurativa R.C . Lloyd DY110295-LB – Fondo Garanzia Viaggi n. A/231.5753/6/2023/R – Autorizzazione Regione Sicilia – Assessorato Turismo Sport e Spettacolo con D.D.S. n° 756/S7